Love you to the moon and back.

Created by Lisa-Jane 5 years ago

Heaven must have become at better place the day you went home. I know that you wanted to stay for all of us here, but you were tired and weak from fighting and its ok, because you are back in granddad's arms looking down on us all. Nan you were an amazing woman you were a fighter through and through. You had the strength of 10 men and even though you were in pain you would never complain and get on with what you needed to do you. Even worried and checked in on all of us.  fought fights no one should have had to, and I can only get through some of my trials in life because of you. I know you are no longer in pain or suffering and I just need to find a new normal until I can be with you again.
When some people are born into the world, they do not know their mums, I was fortunate enough to be born into a life where I knew two mums. Nan helped shape my life in such a way I cannot ever repay. As the first grandchild sure I was spoiled, I got to be her #1. I got to live in your house and share your last name I would rule the roost and my uncles got an extra sister-niece to torture. The memories I have I will hold onto forever. The bond we formed was like no other and no one could break it not even death.’
You helped me raise 2 awesome young men. Thank you for that. The time each spent with you while I was working is a big reason, they are who they are. They love and miss you so much and Eddie is not good at expressing his feelings, but you know how he feels and can see his hurt.  My house is filled with your love from sewing, knitting woodworking, electrical. You name it. I love you and thank you for that.
Nan you were the first person I spoke to probably 5 out of the 7 days of the week, and many times I was the last person you spoke to when you went to bed at night. (Pat knew when I got with him that no one not even him could take the place of her) Thank the Lord for international calling plans and comp cell minutes. When we were together, we made so many memories and experienced a lot of firsts together I still laugh out Loud of some of the things I had you do. My memories are truly endless and as I look through our pictures, I can see the smiles we put on each other faces. When we were across the world from each other FT was our best friend and we still did so much together.  I loved that you ran your first 5k on Facetime with me, went hiking to so many fun places. So many shopping trips that people thought I was Crazy parading you around on camera. Went to so many of my kids Birthday parties I even have pictures of you on the PC in them and you opened presents with us every Christmas Morning. I love and miss you already and it’s only been just over a week. When ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING happens you are who I want to tell the most. You never judged me you never questioned me. I love you so much more than you will ever know, and I don’t know how I am going to get through one of the hardest things in my life without you. I LOVE YOU MORE. Love you to the moon and back always. xoxoxo